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Developing an Information Security and Privacy Schedule for Service Provider Transactions (Part Two)

In Part One of this blog series, we looked at the proactive nature of a data security and privacy schedule ("Schedule"), and considered the compliance function of a Schedule.  Part Two of this series discusses security incident response contract terms that should be considered for a Schedule.  In addition, we look at more traditional "risk of loss" contract terms and how data security and privacy risks impact those terms.

Security Incident Response Planning

As mentioned above, a Customer should think of a Service Provider’s security as an extension of its own internal security. This applies not only to the controls the Service Provider maintains, but also how a Service Provider responds to a security incident. The key here is to impose obligations on the Service Provider that provide the Customer with the most control possible in responding to, and mitigating the impact of, a security incident.  In addition, in the event litigation or a regulatory action is a possibility, Customers should attempt to secure rights that allow them to collect and preserve evidence relevant to their defense (or in some cases a suit against the Service Provider).

On the front end, Customer should investigate the Service Provider’s security incident response procedures. In particular, the Customer should ask:

  • Does the Service Provider have controls and policies in place to detect an incident?
  • Once detected is there a chain of communication that escalates the incident to appropriate personnel?
  • Are there procedures for ascertaining the risk and potential impact posed by a security incident?
  • What processes exist to allow for the quick remediation of a security breach?

Moreover, since a forensic analysis or security assessment will often be necessary post-breach, the Customer should investigate what information is retained by Service Provider, and the Schedule should obligate the Service Provider to retain certain information that may be relevant to a breach (e.g. logs, error reports, planning documents, security policies, etc.)

Beyond that the Customer should consider how the Service Provider and Customer will interact in the event the Service Provider suffers a security breach impacting the Customer’s information, systems or ability to conduct business. The Schedule should require the Service Provider to identify an incident response coordinator to serve as the communication point for the Customer. Communication obligations can also include a point of contact within Customer’s organization, including in some instances a security breach emergency "hotline" phone number. The Schedule may include “deadlines” for providing notice of security breaches to the Customer (e.g. “immediately” or “within twenty-four hours” of discovery, etc.). The Schedule should include a general cooperation clause, and where appropriate specific incident response procedures between the Service Provider and Customer.

In addition, the Schedule should require the Service Provider to provide reports and information concerning the security incident, including information concerning what went wrong, what information or systems were impacted, and the remediation taken and planned by the Service Provider. The Schedule should also provide the Customer with the ability to conduct its own independent forensic analysis and security assessment after a breach. Since litigation or regulatory action is possible after a breach, the Schedule should include mechanisms for initiating a litigation hold and preserving information that may be relevant in a litigation context, as well as procedures for responding to information requests by regulators or litigants.

Risk of Loss

While most of the items discussed above are rather unique to the information security and privacy realm, risk of loss provisions are common to most contracts. These terms include warranty disclaimers, consequential damages disclaimers, limitation of liability clauses and indemnification clauses. Risk of loss terms should also address information security and privacy risk.

First, it is not unusual for a security incident to yield “consequential damages” in addition to “direct damages," including loss of profits, lost customers, attorney fees, breach notice costs and other similar costs. If the overall contract contains a consequential damages disclaimer, the Customer should endeavor to get an exception for consequential damages arising out of a security incident and/or breach of the Schedule.

Second, the Customer’s damages arising out of security incident can be enormous. They can include loss of profits, expenses to defend litigation (often multiple lawsuits for large breaches), regulatory defenses, damages, fines and penalties arising out of litigation, costs to provide notice to individuals whose personal information was breached, credit monitoring expenses, call center expenses and third party forensic analysis expenses. If a limitation of liability clause is in the contract, Customers should consider whether the liability cap would be sufficient to make them whole in the event of a security breach. If not, Customers should attempt to negotiate an exception to the limitation of liability (or perhaps a different limit of liability) for loss arising out of security incidents or breaches of the Schedule.

Last, enhanced indemnification/reimbursement language should be considered. As discussed throughout, it is not unusual for litigation or a regulatory action to arise out of a security incident. In the event the a breach of the Service Provider leads to litigation a regulatory action, the Schedule should include an indemnification or reimbursement clause that pays for the defense of these actions and indemnifies Customer for all damages, fines, penalties and other costs arising out of such actions.

In addition, the Schedule should also include a duty for the Service Provider to indemnify (or pay for) certain breach notice-related expenses. To date approximately 45 states have passed breach notice laws that require companies to provide notice to individuals whose person information may have been compromised. There are many expenses that arise out of the legal requirement to provide notice, including forensic expenses, attorney fees and mailing costs. In addition, some Customers may also want to provide affected individuals with a call center and credit monitoring. Many of these expenses have a “multiplier” component that can result in enormous damages. For example, one year of credit monitoring could cost anywhere from $10 to $360 per year per individual. If credit monitoring is provided to 1 million affected individuals a low-end estimate of the cost would be about $10 million. Therefore, the Customer should attempt to include language in the Schedule that requires the Service Provider to pay for or indemnify the Customer for these costs as well. If possible, all such indemnification costs should be outside the limit of liability.

Finally, organizations should consider another method for transferring risk of loss: insurance. “Cyber” insurance is available that can cover many of the types of loss that arise out a security or privacy breach, including loss of income, remediation expenses, data restoration, attorney fees, damages, fines and penalties, forensic expenses, breach notice expenses, credit monitoring expenses and call center expenses. The Schedule should require the Service Provider to carry both errors and omissions and “cyber” risk coverage with appropriate limits of liability. The Customer should attempt to mandate that it be named as an additional insured under the Service Provider’s policy (this option, however, may not be available as it will depend on whether the insurer is willing to provide “additional insured” coverage). In addition, Customers should consider purchasing their own cyber policy to provide direct coverage. Many carriers will provide coverage to the Customer for security and privacy breaches arising from a Service Provider security incident.


An information security and privacy schedule that sets forth Service Provider security and privacy obligations, and Customer rights with respect to the same, is an increasingly important and necessary part of an information technology, outsourcing or cloud computing transaction. Lawyers charged with developing such terms should be aware that Schedules serve several simultaneous purposes that are specific to the compliance and liability risk associated with data security and privacy. As a final point, the Schedule is a classic example of where “hybrid” knowledge of the law and security is required. A large part of the Schedule involves “translating” legal compliance and risk issues in a manner that can be understood by security and privacy professionals (and vice versa). As such lawyers should work closely with their client’s information security and privacy teams to develop security assessment processes, draft the terms of a Schedule, and negotiate Schedule terms with Service Providers.